Searching through the last stores in the Womenstuff hunt(yay! I finished btw) I came upon a store that is well laid out and the designs are sharp and appealing. LIV-Glam has styles that are very trendy and fashion forward. What knocked me over was the prices, which are very affordable. To try out her styles, I found a nice little group gift that I picked up and gave a try. I'm impressed! I didn't have to do much in the way of adjusting and everything looked great. It came with jacket, pants, top and shoes, so an entire outfit. Looking around, there were different colors for 99L, which is phenomenal for pricing. So if you have a chance, pop over and check this creator out, it's well worth the trip!
Paris to Berlin - Orange (Group Gift) |
Exile - Sally hair in Auburn
Miamiai (Modavia Exclusive) - Dark Eyes makeup
Mynerva Sara Pure Group gift skin
LIV-Glam Paris to Berlin - Orange Group Gift
***Just You*** - DogTag Group gift
Love the colors you used together, it all ties in with the background.
Thank you! This was done up on Innesmouth, a dark type of sim. It seemed to just fit perfectly.
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