Monday, May 27, 2013

The :::Core::: of Fashion

**Due to circumstances beyond their control, the Fashion was postponed till further notice.  Please stand by for future new regarding the show and thank you for your patience.  Have a great day!**

On May 30th, the Pi Delta Pi Sorority will be hosting their first ever fund raising fashion show, to raise money for the National Stroke Association.  All money raised at this wonderful event, will be donated to the NSA, to help educate and to assist those who have suffered the devastating effects of a stroke.  
I found out about this fantastic opportunity to help those who have been struck down by this illness, through an amazing friend of mine, who is also a very gifted and hot designer, Micah Tiponi.  He was kind enough to let me take a peek at his latest creation; Retro Coast, which is being shown at the fashion show this Thursday.  It's a hot, very fashion forward outfit, that not only says chic but, shows off confidence and style when you are out and about.  The use of hot popping color and the fantastic accessories; that are also included, bring it all together with a tasteful fashion flair.

The event starts at 6 SLT so grab your limo here and I'll see you at the show!

Creating the look:

:::Core::: Women's full outfit w/accessories and shoes included - Retro Coast showing at the
 Fashion show.
Truth - Cyanne w/roots - caramel (temp. location)
Candydoll - Holli Gray Tan w/Cleavage
Izzie's - Long French Nails
Ikon - Vanity Eyes - Denim (previous group gift)

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